The Lazy Explorer Part One

You, personal writing

I didn’t have a lot of money. Now I have more than I did at that time, but we aren’t talking about now we are talking about then.

When I’m at my brokest I’m at my most nostalgic. Living away from home, I can’t visit the sites of my own nostalgia. Instead, I’m left to visit the sites of others’. Luckily this works just as well. This is what lead me to the old timey candy store by my house.

When you have less than 20 dollars in your bank account and more than a week left until your next paycheck what do you do? Eat eggs and rice? Walk to work instead of taking the train? Refrain from craft beers and trips to the movies? The week leading up to my paycheck I found myself heading to the candy store, around a 20 minute walk from my house on a particularly sunny Saturday afternoon.

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